Original SCABS who were hired by vendors for NWA. Some now have been hired permanently and have been given NWA employee numbers.
Vendor Emp # | Permanent Hire Emp # | Last Name | First Name | |
450522 | 261403 | Abate | Solomon | |
262075 | Abbas | Jeffrey | DTW | |
451604 | 261830 | Abugroon | Mohamed | |
451111 | Adams | Donald | ||
262171 | Adams | Phillip | DTW | |
451451 | 261786 | Adams | Rimah | |
450491 | 261698 | Adkins | Glen | |
451038 | 261356 | Afzal | Mohammed | |
261537 | Afzal | Mohammed | ||
262032 | Agboro | Augustine | DTW | |
451256 | 261363 | Ahmed | Ali | |
450910 | 261359 | Ahmed | Rahim | |
451223 | 261334 | Ahmed | Zuhair | |
261430 | Albarracin | Jesus | DTW | |
261680 | Al-Jeward | Mohammed | DTW | |
261525 | Allison | Phillip | DTW | |
262121 | Allram | Mike | ||
261968 | Anderson | Robert | DTW | |
262117 | Anderson | Robert | ||
451114 | 261404 | Anderson Jr. | Ronald | |
262045 | Anteneh | Tsegaye | ||
450524 | Anthony | Matthew | ||
450532 | 261362 | Anyang | Kuol | |
451290 | Appelman | Paul | ||
261397 | Ausmus | Rick Jr. | ||
451171 | 261457 | Ayres | Meggin | |
261821 | Baan | Joseph | DTW | |
262007 | Bahn | Chuck | DTW | |
450499 | 261406 | Bahn | David | DTW |
261503 | Baig | Mirza | ||
261703 | Bailey | Brian | DTW | |
261817 | Baird | Jason | DTW | |
452217 | Ballesteros | Orlando | ||
452219 | Barber | Martin | ||
450854 | 261368 | Baremore | Terry | |
262124 | Barrowclough | Michael | ||
450036 | 261556 | Barthelemy | John | |
451654 | Bartholomew | Bruce | ||
262172 | Bartleson | Alan | ||
451578 | 261478 | Barton | Christopher | |
262697 | Baydoun | Jay | DTW | |
451380 | 261426 | Beanland | Darryl | |
450478 | 261576 | Bejarano | Juan | |
450518 | 261479 | Bensyn | Kelly | |
262301 | Berg | James | ||
261440 | Bibiloni | Arnaldo | DTW | |
450513 | 261866 | Bisgaard | Edward | |
262150 | Blackley Jr. | Mansfield | DTW | |
450955 | 261335 | Blackman | Teisha | |
261549 | Blackman | Tony | ||
261989 | Blackwell | Jeffrey | DTW | |
261661 | Blaquiere | Brian | DTW | |
262046 | Blazic | Frank | DTW | |
261555 | Blum | Michael | DTW | |
450526 | 261336 | Bogg | Daniel | |
450046 | Bougher | Matt | ||
261384 | Bowles | Chet | ||
261802 | Bowman | Stanley | DTW | |
450551 | Brahy | Rich | ||
261431 | Brama | John | DTW | |
261429 | Bridgeman | Randolph | DTW | |
452039 | 261643 | Brown | David | |
261422 | Brown | Kerry | ||
262702 | Brown | Mary | ||
261524 | Brummett | Kenneth | DTW | |
451899 | Buckmaster | Greg | ||
261447 | Byrd | Ernie | DTW | |
451296 | 261581 | Calderon | Jos | |
450503 | Calvin | Tyronne | ||
451715 | 261669 | Camacho | Wilfredo | |
261933 | Cannarella | Stephan | DTW | |
261682 | Carillo | Alberto | DTW | |
452092 | Carmack | Nathan | ||
262008 | Carnes | Ken | DTW | |
261728 | Carreon | Mariano | ||
261432 | Carrington | Alan | DTW | |
261624 | Carson | Henry | DTW | |
450528 | Carter | Bryan | ||
261545 | Carter | James | ||
450829 | 261470 | Carter | Robert | |
451932 | Cass | Donal | ||
261567 | Cayabyab | Chito | DTW | |
450830 | 261670 | Celestine | Huval | |
262688 | Chammami | George | DTW | |
450470 | 261494 | Champion | Miles | |
451969 | Chantaboune | Ky | ||
450858 | 261456 | Chere | Mesfin | |
451116 | Cherry | Joseph | ||
261373 | Cherry | Marvin | ||
261523 | Christoferson | Chris | DTW | |
261998 | Ciemnicki | Kevin | DTW | |
261420 | Clark | Allen | DTW | |
451298 | 261393 | Cohen | Arieh | |
450078 | 261501 | Coleman | Frederick | |
451006 | 261491 | Coning | Scott | |
451495 | 262102 | Connell | Scott | |
450082 | 261699 | Conni | Richard | |
261464 | Connor | Robert | DTW | |
262005 | Cooper | Gary | DTW | |
261610 | Craver | Therodore | DTW | |
451117 | Creech | Richard | ||
450464 | Cudanov | Pierre | ||
450476 | Cunningham | W | ||
450078 | Cure | Ward | ||
261701 | Current | Betty | ||
450915 | 261825 | Curriero | Jack | |
261466 | Dacosta | Konrad | DTW | |
450459 | Daughdrill | D | ||
263116 | Dauksza | Mark | DTW | |
261500 | D'Auteuil | George | ||
451659 | 261603 | Davis | Mickey | |
262074 | Dean | Brian | DTW | |
451118 | 261779 | Deffes | John | |
451661 | 261715 | Degarbo | Vince | |
261553 | Derpaulin | Tigran | DTW | |
262021 | Devito | Dan | DTW | |
233458 | Digirolamo | David | DTW | |
451000 | Douglas | Simon | ||
451702 | Douglas | Simon | ||
262089 | Douglas | Terrance | DTW | |
451782 | Downs | Ike | ||
450494 | Duke | Anthony | ||
451339 | 261399 | Duncan | Jay | |
262741 | Dunlap | Ryan | DTW | |
261378 | Dupre | Don | ||
261439 | Duprey | Edwin | DTW | |
450864 | 261492 | Dylla | David | |
450592 | Eads | Brian | ||
450593 | 261789 | Echols | Andre | |
261485 | Eckenbrack | Tom | ||
450534 | 261472 | Edalgo | Wade | |
451703 | 262010 | Edet | Goodwin | DTW |
262199 | Edmunds | Thomas | DTW | |
451279 | 261749 | Elhabib | Asim | |
451136 | 261364 | Elhag | Mutwakil | |
452165 | 261760 | Elkenin | Osman | |
450594 | Ellingham | Ron | ||
450595 | 261337 | Elmahdi | Mahdi | |
450835 | 258179 | Encabo | Teriano | |
450596 | Erickson | Robert | ||
450941 | 261497 | Eshetie | Yeshanew | |
451211 | 261375 | Essia | Richard | |
450918 | 261604 | Estoque | Emmanuel | |
451434 | Eubanks | Russell | ||
451009 | 261477 | Evans | Robert | |
451901 | 261509 | Faire | Dennis | |
262000 | Falcon | Scott | DTW | |
450960 | 261601 | Fanta | Anduale | |
450535 | 261550 | Farrand | Julian | |
451306 | Faustino | Benedict | ||
261423 | Faxano | Richard | ||
261663 | Feola | Thomas | DTW | |
226409 | Fisher | Troy | DTW | |
261421 | Flanagan | Greg | ||
450601 | Flecher | Dan | ||
450602 | Fletcher | David | ||
261354 | Flores | Max | ||
262528 | Forbes | Frank | ||
261570 | Foster | Erwin | DTW | |
261441 | Fraley | Thomas | DTW | |
450869 | 261735 | Franklin | Terris | |
450608 | Frazier | Alexander | ||
262033 | Frazier | Jason | DTW | |
452026 | 261967 | Fredrick | Patrick | DTW |
450609 | Freeman | Calvin | ||
261633 | Freeman | Mike | DTW | |
262562 | Fry | Joshua | ||
452062 | 261831 | Fryer | Lawrence | |
261637 | Gadamelkier | Lufti | DTW | |
261686 | Gaillard | Steve | DTW | |
450610 | Galbraith | Gra | ||
451386 | 261361 | Garcia | Francisco | |
450611 | Garcia | Rick | ||
451558 | 261734 | Garrett | Robert | |
451352 | Garza | Rocky | ||
261629 | Gebreyesus | Dan | ||
450612 | 261369 | Gendron | Michael | |
450613 | 261508 | George | John | |
450872 | 261340 | Getachew | Tilahun | |
451902 | Gillen | Greg | ||
262719 | Gillen | Surinder | DTW | |
262613 | Glenn | Ian | ||
451414 | 261400 | Goddard | Edward | |
262833 | Goeman | David | DTW | |
451559 | 261341 | Goforth | Gregory | |
450875 | Gonsalves | Nor | ||
450875 | 261771 | Gonsalves | Norman | |
261597 | Grant | Copeland | DTW | |
450621 | Greenlee | Victor | ||
261662 | Griffin | Tremon | ||
261522 | Groff | Joseph | DTW | |
262079 | Gross | Thomas | DTW | |
451354 | 261495 | Guarino | Frank | |
261437 | Guettler | Michael | DTW | |
451230 | 261540 | Gueye | Djibril | |
261719 | Gunnell | William | ||
451416 | 261342 | Hankins | William | |
450628 | Harper | Russell | ||
450629 | Harper | Valorie | ||
450133 | Harris | Paul | ||
451310 | Harvey | William | ||
261552 | Hassan | Ahmed | DTW | |
450966 | 261770 | Hatlestad | David | |
262037 | Hayes | James | DTW | |
451975 | Haynes | Doug | ||
262175 | Haynes | John | DTW | |
261521 | Hays | John | DTW | |
450631 | Heater | James | ||
262810 | Heath | Brandon | DTW | |
450632 | 261398 | Heid | Robert | |
451121 | 261370 | Hernandez | Alejandro | |
450839 | 261515 | Hicks | Hezekia | |
262128 | Hildenbrand | Douglas | ||
261606 | Hill | Steven | DTW | |
452001 | Hoffman | Bruce | ||
261632 | Hogg | Darryl | DTW | |
450634 | 261666 | Holloway | Kenneth | DTW |
262077 | Holm | Jay | ||
451018 | Holt | Sean | ||
450635 | Holte | Dore | ||
261685 | Holubec | Milo | DTW | |
452028 | Hooge | David | ||
452028 | Hooge | David | ||
452137 | 261697 | Horstmann | Timothy | |
451250 | 261490 | Howard | Felix | |
262006 | Howell | Andre | DTW | |
261571 | Hussain | Manzoor | ||
452173 | 261628 | Huynh | Eric | |
450638 | Isaac | Johnny | ||
450639 | 261733 | Isaacson | James | |
262009 | Jackson | Chris | ||
262464 | Jackson | Timothy | ||
450640 | 261510 | Jafre | Ghulam | |
451670 | 261561 | Jensen | Bruce | |
261784 | Jobson | Vince | ||
261721 | John | Sean | DTW | |
261605 | Johnson | Kevin | DTW | |
451340 | 261582 | Johnston | David | |
261805 | Jones | Evelyn | ||
451142 | 261409 | Jones | James | |
451214 | Jones | Rollie | ||
261631 | Jones | Tony | DTW | |
450545 | Jordan | Curtis | ||
262803 | Jordan | Michael | DTW | |
261617 | June | Rodney | DTW | |
261571 | Jussain | Manzoor | ||
452029 | 261747 | Kassa | Solomon | |
450647 | Kastle | Robin | ||
261558 | Kazmi | Sayed | ||
262112 | Keller | Justin | DTW | |
451976 | Kennedy | Christopher | ||
450650 | 261536 | Khan | Haider | |
261451 | Kheireddine | Alex | DTW | |
451020 | Kilgore | Kevin | ||
452141 | 261723 | Kim | David | |
261569 | Kincannon | William | DTW | |
450652 | 261584 | Kirchhoff | Tommy | |
450653 | 261343 | Kirkman | John | |
261811 | Klinkoski | Kevin | DTW | |
451143 | 261560 | Knowlton | Erne | |
452003 | Koch | Robert | ||
261407 | Kosowski | Glen | ||
261442 | Krabbenhoft | Richard | DTW | |
451562 | 261511 | Krauss | Paul | |
262127 | Labrosse | George | ||
452030 | 261789 | Lackie | Robert | |
261547 | Lagasca | Bernard | ||
262748 | Lara | Janie | DTW | |
452021 | Laska | Jerry | ||
261679 | Leach | Jeff | DTW | |
450660 | 261419 | Lebron | Edward | |
450661 | 261621 | Lee | Chris Tong | |
262834 | Lee | Christopher | DTW | |
450464 | Lee | Paul | ||
262003 | Lehman | Robert | DTW | |
262819 | Leslie | Christina | DTW | |
452032 | Levario | Jose | ||
261444 | Lewerenz | Rob | DTW | |
450667 | 261565 | Lindsay | Stacey | DTW |
262517 | Lockhart | Ryan | ||
451105 | 261380 | Lohr | Mathew | |
261902 | Lombardi | Anthony | ||
260993 | Long | Paul | DTW | |
261512 | Loop | Edward | ||
450672 | 261345 | Lopez | Roberto | |
261646 | Lovato | Dale | DTW | |
450883 | 261476 | Lugo | Antonio | |
261596 | Luis | Miguel | DTW | |
262359 | Luna | Johnnie | DTW | |
450676 | Lynch | Dennis | ||
261513 | Maes | Bruce | DTW | |
450991 | 261743 | Maggard | Paul | |
261720 | Mahmoud | Awad | ||
261502 | Malik | Asim | ||
261972 | Maltbor | Martin | DTW | |
262043 | Maracle | Michael | ||
450924 | Marll | Charles | ||
261480 | Marosi | Andrew | DTW | |
451147 | 261563 | Marouf | Sirelkhatim | |
451147 | Marque | Sirelkh | ||
261360 | Martin | Hugh | DTW | |
450567 | Martinez | Ernest | ||
451149 | 261372 | Masaad | Mohamed | |
261454 | Matthews | Roy | ||
450568 | 261964 | McClinton | Anthony | DTW |
262036 | McCormick | Mike | DTW | |
262706 | McKinney | Donald | DTW | |
450189 | 261469 | McLeod | Scott | |
451268 | 261602 | Meekaew | Ponkr | |
450687 | Messner | Darryl | ||
450688 | 261538 | Meyer | William | |
450689 | 261965 | Miazga | Dean | DTW |
452022 | 261583 | Miles | Dermont | |
261385 | Millan | Eric | ||
261459 | Miller | Preston | DTW | |
450446 | Miller | William | ||
450887 | Misinec | John | ||
451978 | 261481 | Mix | Steve | |
451635 | 261580 | Mock | Joseph | |
451440 | 261533 | Moghadassi | Mo | |
251233 | 261346 | Mohamed | Mohamed | |
261578 | Mohammad | Alam | ||
262002 | Molotky | Mark | DTW | |
450693 | 261417 | Moncivais | Joel | |
262082 | Monisola | William | DTW | |
450694 | 261473 | Morales | Gustavo | |
450695 | 261418 | Moreno | Julio | |
450696 | 261766 | Morford | John | |
450546 | Morris | Harold | ||
261812 | Morris | Steven | DTW | |
450697 | 235620 | Morrison | Tracy | |
261504 | Mouradian | Eric | ||
450700 | Mowry | Craig | ||
450701 | 261350 | Moyong | Moses | |
451565 | 261765 | Mullen | Erik | |
450702 | 261517 | Mumbenga | Bolo | |
450703 | Munn | Thomas | ||
261518 | Munn | Thomas | ||
262817 | Musa | Abdul | DTW | |
451369 | 261785 | Muse | Matt | |
261463 | Mutua | Daniel | DTW | |
451152 | Naing | Tint | ||
450705 | Neira | Rodolfo | ||
262155 | Nemzek | Bryan | ||
450547 | 261616 | Nesper | James | |
450707 | 261750 | Nez | Kevin | |
451195 | 261468 | Nguyen | Billy | |
262139 | Nguyen | Peter | DTW | |
261920 | Nicholson | Daniel | DTW | |
450710 | 261467 | Nomo | Marcien | |
262622 | Nourse | Jared | ||
261656 | Nowling | Donnie | DTW | |
450711 | 261564 | Ntseful | Ben | |
262042 | Null | Matthew | ||
261600 | Nwokocha | Christina | ||
261716 | Ocampo | Sherman | DTW | |
262113 | Odonkor | Edmund | DTW | |
262034 | Ogborn | Jordon | DTW | |
261639 | Olivares | Anthony | DTW | |
261638 | Olivares | Eric | DTW | |
452010 | Olsen | Mark | ||
450714 | 261498 | Olson | Harold | |
261551 | Oponodo | Nixon | DTW | |
261675 | Orosco | Joe | ||
450843 | 261382 | Ortiz | Jim | |
261445 | Ott | Robert | DTW | |
450844 | 261595 | Pacheco | Samuel | |
450716 | 261377 | Padberg | Christopher | |
450719 | Parks | Henry | ||
262101 | Partida | Richard | ||
262574 | Pathe | Gregory | DTW | |
261383 | Pena | Anthony | ||
261625 | Penn | Jeremy | DTW | |
451029 | Pentecost | Mar | ||
261936 | Pert | Clifton | DTW | |
450720 | 261713 | Peterson | Jared | |
451892 | Phillips | David | ||
451087 | 261424 | Phouthavong | Subanh | |
262149 | Piehl | Justin | DTW | |
451284 | 261471 | Pina | John | |
451638 | 261575 | Ping Jr. | Clint | DTW |
451684 | 261696 | Pittillo | William | |
451593 | Poiroux | Benjamin | ||
451252 | 261410 | Pope | Ralph | |
450570 | 261415 | Powell | William | |
262041 | Proscia | Ralph | DTW | |
450724 | Puerta | Eduardo | ||
450725 | 261534 | Pur | Nasir | |
262118 | Ramirez | Anthony | ||
450895 | Ramos | Ed | ||
451395 | 261374 | Ramsey | Norman | |
450726 | Raphael | Anthony | ||
262078 | Rasch | Kevin | DTW | |
451031 | Redmon | Ghais | ||
261366 | Reed | Derek | ||
450575 | 261810 | Reid | William | |
450727 | Reihart | Mike | ||
452013 | 261668 | Reindl | Stephen | |
450577 | 231403 | Reitz | Mark | |
450728 | 261381 | Richardson | Britten | |
261609 | Riley | Timothy | DTW | |
262119 | Ringness | Donald | ||
261496 | Robbins | Jeremy | DTW | |
452380 | 104433 | Roberts | Jesse | |
262125 | Robinson | Rodney | ||
452111 | Robles | Jerry | ||
450731 | 261732 | Rogers | Glenn | |
451059 | 261392 | Roland | James | |
261427 | Romkey | John | ||
451911 | Ross | Carl | ||
452120 | 261626 | Ross | Delonzo | |
261455 | Rothgeb | James | ||
451686 | Ruiz | Edward | ||
451286 | Rye | Charles | ||
452068 | 261742 | Safari | Freddi | |
451755 | 261700 | Said | Abualgasim | |
261681 | Salat | Brian | DTW | |
261702 | Sandahl | Scott | DTW | |
452151 | 261712 | Sandoval | Edward | |
452197 | 261790 | Sanguansat | Sornarin | |
452208 | 261714 | Santos | Mariano | |
451709 | Savoy | Douglas | ||
262384 | Sawicki | Charles | DTW | |
262781 | Schaffstall | Kent | DTW | |
450900 | 261388 | Scheving | Sigurdur | |
452152 | Schurr | Gerald | ||
262144 | Seaton | Marvin | DTW | |
261365 | Seifu | Wondu | ||
451326 | 261387 | Sellers | Chano | |
451570 | 261809 | Shaikh | Mohammed | DTW |
450373 | Shelton | Eric | ||
450739 | Shinkle | Mike | ||
261676 | Silva | Phillip | ||
451913 | Simmons | Walton | ||
450742 | 261769 | Singletary | Glen | DTW |
451161 | 261389 | Sistok | Michael | |
452044 | Sivoranvong | Phethsavan | ||
451732 | Skogstram | James | ||
262022 | Slanger | Avram | DTW | |
261999 | Slate | Graham | DTW | |
262073 | Slavant | James | DTW | |
262200 | Smiley | Terry | DTW | |
261634 | Smith | Brian | ||
450255 | 261574 | Smith | Glenn E. | |
451202 | 261416 | Smith | James | |
450744 | 261572 | Smith | Jason | |
262093 | Smith | Jeff | DTW | |
450586 | 261428 | Smith | Marcus | |
261546 | Smith | Danny | ||
451001 | Snyder | Greg | ||
261358 | Soria | Luis | ||
262044 | Speich | Ben | ||
261436 | Spencer | Maxwell | DTW | |
261319 | Stachura | Walter | DTW | |
450473 | Staples | Dontane | ||
451825 | 261664 | Steger | Glen | |
262114 | Stevens | James | DTW | |
450261 | 261425 | Straney | Michael | |
450983 | Strel | Franc | ||
262564 | Stripe | Jesse | ||
451914 | Sullivan | John | ||
452088 | Sullivan | Paul | ||
452100 | Summerville | Mike | ||
450847 | 261371 | Sword | Leonard | |
262597 | Synko | Steve | DTW | |
451343 | 261487 | Tabb | Steven | |
262080 | Tahir | Ameir | DTW | |
261640 | Tardy | Philip | DTW | |
450550 | 261352 | Tavakoli | Mir | |
261449 | Tawil | Elfaith | ||
261900 | Taylor | Jeffrey | DTW | |
451509 | Telazques | Jami | ||
262173 | Tennessen | Ken | ||
261590 | Terfassa | Kidane | ||
261589 | Tesfai | Abraham | ||
451646 | Thomas | Anthony | ||
261453 | Thomas | Russell | DTW | |
451488 | 261507 | Thompson | Greg | |
451694 | 261573 | Thompson | Matthew | |
452101 | 261619 | Towell | Michael | |
452045 | 261618 | Townsend | David | |
261548 | Tracy | Scott | ||
261591 | Tran | Tan | ||
452114 | Trujeque | Jonathan | ||
262076 | Turner | Andrew | DTW | |
450271 | 261644 | Tyer | Sam | |
451288 | 261762 | Urso | Frank | |
451332 | 261394 | Valdez | Sirach | |
261443 | Valencia | Raymond | DTW | |
450761 | 261379 | Van Lier | Greg | |
450277 | Vara | David | ||
450589 | Vasquez | David | ||
261516 | Villareal | Sam | ||
451241 | 261347 | Villarreal | Ramiro | |
450591 | 261636 | Villreal | Hector | DTW |
262596 | Waples | William | ||
450763 | 261514 | Warren | Juan | |
451985 | 261482 | Wasson | Larry | |
261657 | Watkins | Harvey | DTW | |
451490 | Weathersbee | Clarence | ||
262722 | Weese | Gary | DTW | |
450849 | 261395 | Weiand | Matthew | |
451430 | Welch | Kenneth | ||
261611 | Wells | James | DTW | |
451397 | 261493 | Wetz | Jeff | |
262495 | White-Johnson | Tyler | ||
450767 | White-Johnson | Vanessa | ||
261759 | Whittaker | Travis | ||
261446 | Wigley | Wesley | DTW | |
261658 | Wiles | Momo | DTW | |
451715 | Wilfredo | Camacho | ||
262129 | Williams | Randal | ||
451255 | Williams | Keith | ||
450771 | 261788 | Williamson | Kenneth | |
450772 | Williamson | Kevin | ||
450291 | 261665 | Willis | Craig | |
450773 | Wilson | Bryant | ||
451167 | Wilson | Derek | ||
261659 | Wiltshire | Patrick | DTW | |
261484 | Wolter | Jerome | ||
261588 | Woodson | Trenton | DTW | |
450580 | 261348 | Yanni | John | |
261630 | Yapor | Ron | DTW | |
450778 | Yarbrough | Dere | ||
451700 | Yeager | Michael | ||
450814 | Yost | Michael | ||
450782 | 261539 | Young | Troy | |
450783 | 261562 | Zachary | Nathan | |
261627 | Zebrowski | Stefan | DTW | |
452260 | Zgodava | John |