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Lardington wasn’t smart enough to run a maintenance operation on the side.ramo and garvin didn’t do maintenance for dick head Partington…fat head Dave was busy playing both sides!

Little Tommy got sucked up by the Matt null 330 run up that sucked in the caution cones Brrrrrrppppp Brrrrpppppp oh what a sound.While Jonny suc ass mazza was giving a how great Dtw speech in Atlanta .F U Mazza you new York RAT!!!

Elon Musk, who no one voted for, who wasn't born here is literally running our country. I hope you trump voters are happy with what you got. Musk is Gepetto and trump is Pinocchio.

exNWA.com note Thanks Anthony, from MI, for your thoughtful donation.

Little Tommy Robison got fired from Delta for drugs
Now he got fired from Kalitta!!! Probably taxing a 747 across the active again!
I see some scab keeps writing in about Ramin and Garvin
They both are 444...

Barney "F**King" Spurr... Here was a guy that told around that he was only going to give the union a month to get a contract or he was "going back in". I don't think he quite made a month. Just prior to the strike/lockout we weren't working OT. The manager posted an OT signup sheet in the area and it went blank with one exception, SPURR. During the strike/lockout most scabs would just look ahead as they drove past our picket on their way in to work. Spurr would smile and wave wildly as he drove past us. I looked on Spurr not only as a scab but as a traitor..

Louis Pryor,,, early scab. Used to be ray engleman. Finally figured out who his daddy was and flipped his name

Armstrong Aviation. Raymo, Scotty Garvin,
They changed dc9 APU’s for Lardington

It has been nearly 20 years since that disastrous strike. Perhaps we should ponder the fact the company duped us into striking knowing they could replace use without paying severance and unemployment. After all, even the state of Mn. came around and ruled this a lockout and we all cheered.

the real reason liugi shot that ceo was because the ceo didnt put his hand over his heart when the song santa lucia was playing. after all santa lucia wasah luigis grannies favoriteah song. ( you have to say it like a italian)

It's coming up on 20 years since we went out. I imagine most of the filthy jackals that betrayed our trust have retired by now. I can only imagine Vinnie the scab Scrudato might still be there in some cushy position sucking in every penny he can get, just because he can. Scabs can't smell their own stench.

Agree. Where is Kepple?

Scab pic of the Day Lewis Walker (former IAM officer) SCAB!!

Folks let's talk about filthy scabs...

How about all the so called DTW Honorable AMFA Officers that had their wives cross their picket line. Rose (what a joke), Pence (another joke) and others (you know who you were). Then there was Mr. So-Called Honorable himself Johnny Preputnik that had his son cross his Picket Line to oil aircraft and then Johnny Boy himself Scabbing on Delta's aircraft across the field at the hangar. You all suck!!

Folks let's talk about filthy scabs...

LeRoy Weidell #1 on the seniority list.. SCAB!!!

trump just being around seems like someone is in charge, unlike that idiot we currently have or the disaster that would have been if Kamala had won. Can you imagine paying that purposed unrealised tax of 25% capital gains on your home. In other words the government says your home is worth 100000 dollars more this year than last you now owe us 25000 dollars. pay up or we will take away your home. It is a land grab by the liberal government to have more people dependant. STILL TWERKING WEB MASTER!!!!

President Bone Spurs. All I can say is stock up on toilet paper, food and money. It's going to be a bumpy ride. And if you think your social security and medicare are safe I take some of what your smoking.

I find it amazing...Trump..not even in office yet..has gotten more done since Nov. 5 than Biden/Harris has in 4 years!

Well just what the hell has he done since Nov. 5th?

If you are a veteran, like a lot of us are, the draft dodger trump's appointees to VA and DOD ought to scare the living hell out of you. Oh wow, I forgot you worship this clown, he can do no wrong.

I find it amazing...Trump..not even in office yet..has gotten more done since Nov. 5 than Hiden Biden/Harris has in 4 years!

Fat man mark rogers was never a marine, but he will always be a SCAB!

Fat man mark rogers was never a marine, he was navy. Worked P3 Orion's. That's what got him hired at Fleming/Cam Air.

i hope mika and joe and the women of the view are scared to death. they better hide their passports if you can smell what the hell im cookin

Mark Rogers Aka fat man wife killer. Typical scab “ all about me”. Ex marine, never saw a back he wouldn’t shoot.
Liked to throw that big belly around, thought it made him a tuff guy.

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