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 This page was last updated:    Monday, January 20, 2025 07:25  (MST)

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Run pedo files, run

It’s a simple lack of trust

I cannot believe Delta's Ed Bastian isn't whining about all the losses they are incurring because of the LA fires! I am sure they will have losses that people just cannot understand.

<72 hours and this S..T show is OVER!!!!!

Genocide- It is amazing that a once group (jews) that claimed Genocide did exactly the same thing to another group of people. The amazing part of it was you cannot say anything about the one group (jews) because their claim of being singled out, yet they killed over 46000 people to account for the 251 hostages taken. Seeing the response of the Israel nation, it appears that the hostages may have been the only recourse against the Goliath. shame

You may have been confused with another web site with your questions and reasoning.

Webmaster….that ceasefire cartoon is right on

Not a surprise. Preputnik worked with a lot of scabs

So is JP a scab? Or just his kid?

Both, don't let that POS tell you any different!!

Israel- the money laundering business tree ended, and so will the war- thank Trump. These 4 years have been nothing but all American working class money being sent to other countries. Democrat or Republican, I am glad the past four years are ending soon.

Matt Null Booooooger man, naked man, Lardington booty crack licker. Also a member of the A-team, and scab of the day.

So is JP a scab? Or just his kid?

Both, don't let that POS tell you any different!!

How many scabs were related to each other? I have found that there were many scabs that were related to one another by, cousins, family, marriage etc. I cannot remember the names but recall a conversation when talking once that I was told, remember, those guys are related so watch what you do and say around them.

So is JP a scab? Or just his kid?

Scrudato.... Sadly,I ponder you often. I ponder how arrogant and so "into yourself" you are. How you seemed to never shut up about bragging about your sexual conquests. I consider you a bottom feeder who fails to recognize just how low on the evolutionary scale you are. And then you became a scab.

How’s about dem CowBois

Do the right thing, even when no one is looking. It's called integrity.

A wide angle pic of mark Rogers., do they make a lens wide enough to fit Da Toids brother in it?

Scab o the day list Leroy Wiedell. Wiedell was #1 on the seniority list when we went out. Let that sink in, #1. It makes one ponder why would anyone with that many years turn traitor to all those he had worked with for so many years. I guess an Honorable will find it hard to understand what goes on in the mind of a filthy scab.

Scab of the Day photo of Mark Yoshida.. I worked my strike picket line duty at the same time this "scab to be" was working as a strike captain. He let us know that he had a job at UPS and would be working there for a time. As time would tell he disappeared off the radar for a couple days, we figured he went to work at UPS, but he showed up as a scab a few days later. He talked real cocky during his strike land captain gig. Turned out he didn't pack the balls to stay out with the men and a few good women. Sooo FU Yoshida..

SCAB of the day mark szatkowski. Yes he is as stupid as he looks. Shame we had this in our ranks.

A wide angle pic of mark Rogers.

In the realm of scabdom, Pat Trainor is the scab by which all other scabs are measured. Terrible arrogant bottom feeder. Where ever he bid his reputation preceded him.

Hope all the honorable had a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2025.

A Pat Trainor story: When the pilots went out on strike (I forget the year, Clinton Admin) the company started layoff notices to the rest of us, the rank and file. Many of us mechs got our layoff notices and we hit the street filing for unemployment. Not Pat Trainor, the company kept him although MANY senior to him got laid off. We knew he was a suckass even back then. No surprise that when we loaded up our tool boxes August 17th-18th Trainor rolled his over to the corner, he knew he wasn't going anywhere. POS!

It is amazing what someone will do for a business against his fellow man.all for a moment of glory among his peers.

I came across this- Glad to see this scab herder dead. I am also glad I contributed to his demise!!

He made so many bad choices and he paid with it with an early grave. Next- hopefully Luttenbacher and Fauth!

If either of those last two make to a care provider, nursing home, please post!!, as I want them to seem and remember me at there last stage of life. Special place in hell for these guys.

pat trainer INRS King of the scabs. ¥

I came across this- Glad to see this scab herder dead. I am also glad I contributed to his demise!!

He made so many bad choices and he paid with it with an early grave. Next- hopefully Luttenbacher and Fauth!

If either of those last two make to a care provider, nursing home, please post!!, as I want them to seem and remember me at there last stage of life. Special place in hell for these guys.


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